Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Is that possibly the correct date?   I seem to have been much consumed with the physical side of life lately --  medical tests,  an illness here, an injury there.   I’ve started joking that I’m a frequent flier at my primary care doctor’s office.  The staff all know me by name.   In the midst of it all, it seems I ran out of words.  Perhaps it was the intense focus on the body that only pain can bring.   It does tend to blot out other thoughts when movement causes you to catch your breath. 

But tonight, as I did the extended dental care that braces require, I found words gently drifting across my mind.   Oh, it’s coming back- I’ve missed it!   What wonderful things are slowly stirring in my soul seeking to be shared?   It’s actually a bit of a mystery to me.   I usually just start writing and see where it goes.

Tonight I am remembering this poster I used to have.  I purchased it at the Harvard Coop in Cambridge Square when I was a freshman in college.   I eventually had it framed and it hung on the wall of various homes for years to come.  One day I passed it on to others.  I wonder where it ended up.  Funny how things float up from your memories.   Perhaps the feelings that poster represented are just appropriate for where I am this evening.   It was a gorgeous photo of the woods with a bit of a stream and a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: 

“Think me not unkind and rude, That I walk alone in grove and glen; I go to the god of the wood. To fetch his word to men. “ 

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